Is It Better to Shave in the Shower?

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“Shaving every morning, that’s nightmarish. I spent my teenage years covered in tiny little bits of toilet paper.” - Alan Moore
You are likely to fall into two categories: those who shave before showering or those who prefer shaving after showering.
However, is it better to shave in the shower?
This article goes through the pros and cons of this topic to help you understand and choose the best option. Much difference comes from using an electric shaver or razor and the benefits of prepping the skin before shaving.
- Pros of Shaving in the Shower
- Cons of Shaving in the Shower
- So, is It Better to Shave in the Shower?
Pros of Shaving in the Shower
Shaving in the shower provides a smoother, closer shave by softening hair, opening pores, and reducing irritation.
Photo by Majestic Lukas on Unsplash
For those who like shaving with a razor or cartridge razors, it is best to shave in the shower. There are more benefits than disadvantages; the shower sets the environment right for a smooth shave.
Getting Clean
Shaving while in the shower reduces the chances of infecting a wound in case your fingers accidentally slip and you nick yourself with the safety razor. The hot water will instantly clean away the dirt and sweat from your skin and the cold. Meanwhile, if you’re into cold showers in the morning, it will instantly close any wound. The cold water will help tighten the skin, making shaving easier.
Shaving in the shower is a safe and enjoyable routine. The skin will be relaxed, the pores will be open, and because it’s a humid environment, the razor will glide smoothly even with less shaving cream. This results in a smoother, closer shave.
The warm moisture in the shower will also make it easier for you to exfoliate. Most men overlook the importance of exfoliating1, but when you shower, you scrub your body clean. So, it will be a no-brainer to include your face while at it.
Use a soft bristle brush to scrub your face gently. This will remove excess dirt, dead skin cells, and oils while exposing the tiny hair trapped under your skin.
If this were a shave outside the shower, you would need a warm cloth to relax and warm your face.
Exfoliation reduces instances of ingrown hair since the scrub exposes it to cutting. When you exfoliate before a shave, you achieve a closer, smoother shave and a soft, natural glow.
Prepping the Skin
Taking a shower is an optimal way of preparing the skin for shaving. It will make it easier to shave because the skin pores will be open, and the razor will be able to shave off the hair in just a few passes.
This will prevent pulling and tugging on the root, which would cause skin irritation and razor bumps.
Softening Hairs
The facial hair is built differently from the rest of the body hair. Some men have very tough hair that is almost as strong as copper piping.
Shaving this without prepping can be challenging. When you shower first, the hair will become softer and easier to shave.
If you generally have straight hair, the moisture in the water will make the hair strands heavy enough to fall in one direction, ready for shaving.
If you have curly hair, the warm moisture will make it pliable and easy to manage, so you won’t be uncomfortable or irritated when you shave.
Saves Time
If you use an electric shaver or cartridge razor, shaving in the shower is the best option to save time.
A cartridge razor will get the job done fast since the razor can be pre-set for the best cutting angle.
Cons of Shaving in the Shower
Shaving in the shower can damage razors, make it hard to see, and complicate electric shaving.
Photo by Kureng Workx on Pexels
Shaving in the shower has downsides. However, one can still find ways to work around them.
Electric Shavers
If you are used to shaving with an electric shaver, doing it in the shower's wet environment may be risky.
Not that I’ve heard of anyone dying from electric shaver-induced electrocution, but electric shavers often don’t have the reputation of doing well in a shower.
That’s because electric shavers find it challenging to shave wet hair off the skin like razors do2. It may take twice as long to finish shaving with the best results.
Nevertheless, if you’re determined to proceed, use a rotary shaver because it shaves the hair better. They are also easy to clean under the shower. Unless you want to stick to a cartridge razor.
Difficult to See
Seeing what you are doing can be difficult when you're in the shower. The hot steam clouding the shower room will make most of your shaving guesswork at best.
This can result in missed patches or require you to pass the razor over the same area more than necessary.
You can work around this by using an anti-fog mirror. As the name implies, it won’t fog in the shower, so you can see all the spots on your face that need shaving.
Damages the Razor
Water is the bane of razor blades. Regularly shaving in the shower will damage your razor faster than outside. That’s because the blades are prone to rust.
This is especially true if you’re using a disposable cartridge. Cartridge blades are generally made from disposable metals, so they dull even more quickly when used in the shower.
If you’re using a safety razor, the blade must be rinsed and pat dry with a towel after every shower to prevent rusting.
So, is It Better to Shave in the Shower?
The Tor Synthetic Fiber Closed Comb Safety Razor Shaving Set is ideal for shaving in the shower, offering precision and comfort with its high-quality razor, brush, and organic shaving soap, ensuring a smooth, irritation-free shave.
Everyone likes taking a hot shower, and rightly so, because it has many benefits. Not only is it hygienic, but it also feels good.
It is also a convenient way to shave without all the lengthy preparations of the usual morning before-the-sink shaving.
Those with thick facial hair will find this a convenient and quick alternative to soaking their beards in warm water to make the hair manageable for shaving.
Shaving in the shower will also give you a smoother and cleaner shave, similar to using soap or shaving cream on dry facial skin.
You can shave in the shower. The benefits more than outweigh the drawbacks. However, it’s best to use the proper accessory. And that means using a safety razor.
A safety razor will give you a level of precision that a disposable razor won’t. Because it requires fewer passes, it will result in a better shave without irritating your sensitive skin.
Our Tor Synthetic Fiber Closed Comb Safety Razor Shaving Set at Naked Armor has been crafted to provide a luxurious shaving experience for men with sensitive skin like yours. It comes with a badger-friendly shaving brush, organic shaving soap, a zinc alloy razor and brush stand, and the Tor Safety Razor, made from high-grade zinc aluminum alloy and mahogany wood.
Get a Safety Razor kit now. Click Add to cart below.
More Essential Reads
Is It Better to Shave Before or After Shower
How to Prevent Severe Razor Rash
How to Prevent Razor Burn
- Santos-Longhurst, A. (2023, April 17). What Does It Mean to Exfoliate? Why You Should and How to Start. Healthline.
- Tips For Shaving Before & After You Shower. (n.d). Nivea.
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