How To Prevent Razor Burn

Naked Armor
Shaving is really more about your skin than the hair you are removing.
Published by Naked Armor
It’s a common occurrence among shavers but it is usually considered as a minor nuisance since it fades away after a few minutes or so.
For those with sensitive skin though, it can last for days, causing discomfort. It also doesn’t make you look good with the red welts appearing over your newly shaved chin.
But what is razor burn exactly?
A razor burn is a skin irritation that usually occurs among 50% of the shaving population. This happens as a result of improper shaving when the razor cuts not only the hair but also some skin cells. While it doesn’t result in an open wound, it irritates the skin enough that it responds by increasing the blood flow to the area being shaved, resulting in redness and inflammation.
So how to prevent razor burn?
Our first nugget of advice is to use a straight razor and not a piece of plastic to shave your face. However, this article will help you get a better shave no matter what you use.
Shaving is really more about your skin than the hair you are removing. It is a good form of of exfoliating or removing dead skin cells. But as most things are, too much of it isn’t a good thing.
Overdoing it, like shaving daily, will bring redness, cause razor bumps and expose the tender skin unnecessarily to a very sharp blade.
So here are our tips for preventing a razor burn:
• Opt for a Wet Shave instead of a dry one
• Make Sure Your Razor Is Sharp
• Go With The Grain
• Reduce The Pressure
• Rinse as Often While Shaving
• Opt for a Wet Shave instead of a dry one
A wet shave preps up the skin for an easy and smooth shaving. In contrast, a dry shave increases the chances for a rough shave because it doesn’t use moisture to help drag the blade across the skin smoothly. This creates irritation for the skin.
You can do your wet shave while you are in the shower or afterwards. In any case, you have to take a steamy shower.
The steam softens both your skin and hair, allowing the skin cells to relax and the hair strands manageable enough for cutting.
To maximize the warm moisture, close all the doors and windows in the bathroom and let the hot water flow for a few minutes before you get in. If you’re in a sauna, stay inside for 5-10 minutes to build up a nice sweat before going out to start shaving.
Lather up with natural shaving cream. Throw away your canned shaving cream and get yourself a shaving puck and brush. If you really want a fantastic experience, grab a shaving scuttle.
Next, massage shaving cream into your face and neck in a circular motion and let it sit for 1 to 2 minutes. The circular motions help lift the hairs, soften them, and spread the shaving cream evenly.
• Make Sure Your Razor Is Sharp
A lot of guys use old blades that tug the hair and cause tiny tears in the skin. Not only does this feels like a cat is shaving your face with its claws, but it also doesn’t give you a clean and smooth shave.
A sharp blade is key to reducing razor burn. If you feel any tugging while shaving, ditch your razor and swap it for a new one. If you are using a straight razor, give it a good stropping before you put the blade to your face.
Attack the thickest part first. Give the thickest hairs the longest amount of time to soften up with the shaving gel. Start with the sides of your beard, then move to your neck and up your chin, and end with your mustache—I used to go after my mustache area first but once I moved it to the last, my shaving routine got way easier.
At Naked Armor, our straight razors are crafted to give a smooth and clean shave for men with sensitive skin.
— D'Rock, Naked Armor Founder
• Go With The Flow Mofo
Shaving against the grain may give you a closer shave, but according to dermatologists, this can increase the risk of skin irritation.
This is because when one shaves against the grain, the blade cuts the hair below the surface of the skin. This results in a close shave, for the time being.
But when the hair begins to grow back, it will curl back on itself and grow inward. This is what is known as a razor bump. And it is these razor bumps that will give you hell the next time you shave because you will cut these when your razor passes over them, irritating the skin.
In contrast, cutting with the grain allows you to shave in the direction of the hair without hitting the skin layer.
• Reduce The Pressure—Think Zen
You don’t have to push hard to get a good shave—be zen-like. If you shave like you’re scraping paint off your face, you will only irritate the skin.
To avoid rough handling, you can use a razor with a well-balanced handle that has weighted ends to help decrease the amount of pressure you apply.
• Rinse as Often While Shaving
Wash the razor under warm water after every one to two strokes to clear away the stubble and shaving cream on the blade. A clean blade lessens the risks of you nicking your skin. If you need to reapply some shaving cream, grab your brush and make another pass or two on the dry areas with some fresh foamy soap (I know it looks tasty, but don't eat it).
Aftermath of a Razor Burn
Now what should one do if one inadvertently gets a razor burn?
If you’re red, dry or itchy, take a few days off to heal, says Jeffrey Benabio, M.D., Physician Director of Healthcare Transformation at Kaiser Permanente.
One can also apply a moisturizer to help your skin heal.
At Naked Armor, though, we always think that if you’ve gotten razor burn long enough, it might be time to shop around for a new razor.
Our straight razors are crafted to give a smooth and clean shave for men with sensitive skin. Our razor blades are made from high-grade Japanese stainless steel matched with luxury sandalwood handles.
Why continue to settle for a plastic disposable when you can have the Naked Armor experience? Click Add to Cart to get a new straight razor now.
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